C'reme Brulee
Just because you are soft doesn't mean you are not a force. Honey and wildfire are both the color gold.

Name: C'reme brulee
(pronounced just like the dessert! or Kah·rem to the suncats out there!)
Age: 28 (post EW)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Demisexual, Achillean
Ancestry: Miqo’te (seeker of the sun)
Height: 5’1
Based in: All throughout the Black Shroud, though his wanderings mean he could be nearly Anywhere
Personality: Eccentric, Curious, Playful. Mischievous when the mood strikes him.
Unique features: Chocobo tattoo sleeve on left upper arm,
Lavender sprig along the left side of his ribs!
Raised in the depths of the Black Shroud by a ranch's worth of chocobokeeps, it’s no surprise that C’reme Brulee is as eccentric as he is! Underneath that cheery yellow visor is a seemingly endless amount of energy, which pairs wonderfully with his adventurous spirit and restless soul. He’s prone to wandering in search of the next exciting venture, and even more prone to getting lost– But that’s part of the fun, now isn’t it?
He'll swear to the edge of each of the seven hells that he's retired, but speaking to him for longer than five minutes'll prove this to be the worst lie- or perhaps the shortest lived truth- in history. C'reme is very much still a man of the sky, a Pirate, a Hunter, and so much more beneath that amber visor. Behind a vibrant surface lays a past left largely unspoken, but perhaps you can get him to tell a story or two, a bard's old habit dies hard.
-Has an uncanny ability to mimic chocobo calls! If he knows you well enough, he can likely copy your voice, too.-Speaks with his hands just as much as he does with his mouth, making up for lack of expression with exaggerated motion.-Ever adding as i think of more!

Have you spent any time in the air? As a merchant, a traveler, a pirate? Perhaps you've heard rumors of The Derecho, a pirating airship as swift and ruthless as a warm-weather storm, and it's prized gunner: The Amber Comet. Some say he'll chase you halfway across the star to take his shot, others say that he'll never have to. What have you heard?
Known sharpshooter with deadly accuracy, C'reme prefers long-range weaponry to close combat any day of the week, and is oft seen with either bow or rifle strapped to his back, if not a revolver at his hip. If you've any need for a Hunter, for man or beast, you've found the bird for the job.Restless Heart-
C'reme Brulee has always been and will always be a wanderer at heart- The world is so big and so much of it is unseen! As a man who knows what the road can be like, the seeker is often endeared to fledgling adventurers and travelers. Need advice or encouragement? Or perhaps you've already run across the choco'te in a tavern or have crossed paths with the wayward bard before. He's always keeping an ear out on something or other!Storykeep-
A """Retired""" adventurer, C'reme loves to hear the tales of others, having recorded plenty during his time as a bard-- so much so that he sort of... collects them. His journal is never far from him, perhaps he'll even trade a tale of his own for one of yours!
Or, perhaps you're looking for a bit of extra gil to pad the coffers? You're in Luck, C'reme Brulee is the finest Bountykeep this side of the Indigo Deep! His journal holds plenty of opportunity for venture, ask to take a look sometime.Face for the World-
Never without his chocobo-aspected visor, C'reme knows full well the mystery it holds. Some say he's a prince hiding his identity from the world, others guess that he's scarred beyond recognition beneath. There's no shortage of theories, and certainly plenty of tall tales to be thrown around, Tell C'reme your guess, he'll love to hear it!--WIP, as i add more!--

Listed below are some of C'reme's best kept secrets- Top secret, privileged information! Unless your character has an associated connection with the unspoilered elements, please discuss any knowledge of these with me beforehand!
Aetheric Balance-
Known to those with any keen Aethersense (sight, smell, etc.) If your character would interact with this in a certain way, please feel free to ask for more details!
One of C'reme's most WELL kept secrets.
Because of this claim, C'reme cannot be enthralled by any aetheric means. He's already spoken for!

OOC Info
Hey there! I'm Year (21+ He/him), Gpose enthusiast, chocobo lover, and the player behind C'reme! I started adventuring on August 9th, 2020, and haven't stopped since!You can usually find me on the Mateus server, in Frontlines (though hopefully on the same team, haha!), and at my Free Company's café in the Lavender beds, W13 P1. Please feel free to stop by!Casual RP and wu/t (in character or out) are welcome! I tab out often, so if I seem to be ignoring you please send me a Tell instead, it's the easiest way to get my attention!